The Recipe Box

Uncooked Fondant



Category: Candies


For 1 Batch(es)


2 pound(s) powdered sugar
1/4 pound(s) butter
1 cup(s) (not can) of sweetened condensed milk
1/4 teaspoon(s) salt

Uncooked Fondant Directions

  1. Mix all ingredients together and knead well. Add desired flavorings, nuts, and colors, as desired
  2. Cover and allow flavors to ripen 24 hours or more in fridge
  3. Flavor ideas:
  4. Coconut: 2 tsp vanilla, 2 cups coconut
  5. Black Walnut: 1 tsp Vanilla, 1 Cup Black Walnuts or black walnut flavoring and 1 cup walnuts
  6. Maple Pecan: 1 tsp vanilla, 2 tsp Maple flavoring, 1 cup chopped pecans
  7. Orange: 2 tsp orange flavoring, 1/4 tsp orange or red and yellow food coloring, grated orange rind is good too
  8. Cherry