Know when to say when! We all get tired, we all have times in our lives when we push too hard, however some simple things can make it a little easier until you get your life to a resting spot.

Potato – potato juice is brimming with potassium, which your body needs for transmitting nerve impulses and making muscles move, common deficiencies in people with fatigue. Cut 1 unpeeled potato into slices and let the pieces soak in water overnight. In the morning, drink the juice for energy

Red meat and eggs – an excellent source of iron, which you may need more of if you’re frequently fatigued

Start slow – give yourself and extra 15 minutes in the morning before you start your day. This way you wont feel so rushed and behind and tired

Eat Breakfast – a solid breakfast of fats, carbohydrates and proteins starts your body off for the day with the fuel it needs. Watch the sugars and high fats, they give a false high and a bitter low!

Arrest the robbers – what’s robbing your energy? Family feud? Job problems? Work to resolve the issue, if you cant take a vacation from it

Exercise – there is that word again! Moderate, regular exercise makes you feel better, makes you sleep better and gives your brain a break

Vitamins – Take a good multi vitamin, especially if you have a problem with skipping meals or not getting the right nutrition

Don’t smoke – yet another side effect of smoking is fatigue, give it up!

Learn to delegate – you don’t have to do everything by yourself, others can do the job just as well as you can.

Lose weight – The fact is, carrying around extra weight is tiring

Get enough sleep – 6-8 hours of sleep is what the average person needs to be healthy

Breathe deeply – take the time to take long deep breaths, it can be refreshing

Don’t drink – alcohol is a depressant, it calms down it does not rev up

Lighten up lunch – a lighter lunch will help you to avoid a severe case of I need a nap at my desk afternoons!

Vacation – Boy can I attest to this, if you haven’t had a vacation in a long time its almost mandatory that you take one. It will refresh your brain, body, and attitude

Open the drapes – bring the light into the house, it can help with the energy levels.

Music – put on your favorites and sing and dance

Drink water – dehydration can cause extreme fatigue, drink up beginning the day before if you’re planning a big day

Rethink your meds – have you discussed all your meds with your doctor? Are you combining meds with over the counter meds? Eliminating just one pill could make a big difference in your energy levels, but check with your doctor

If it feels good, do it – massages, whirlpools, steambaths, if it helps….it doesn’t hurt!

Are you in a rut? – change your routine, change your foods, change your exercise

Watch the caffeine – Caffeine can give you what feels like an energy boost, but it’s false and it doesn’t last, and the downer from it can last a lot longer, watch out!