First – Is it really athlete’s foot?

If it’s on a childs foot below the age of puberty that would be very rare. If it’s on top of the toes, unlikely. If the foot is red, swollen, sore, blistered, and oozing, go to a doctor!

With that in mind, here are 18 ways to get rid of athlete’s foot, even if you’re not an athlete! Let’s start with the most severe symptoms and move down from there.

Athletes foot can come on suddenly, you can have cracked skin, oozing blisters, and an intermittent burning sensation. When going through this acute stage, baby your foot. Keep it uncovered and at constant rest, even if you have to stay home to do it. Inflammation is not dangerous but it can worsen and lead to bacterial infection if you’re not careful

Use soothing compresses to cool the inflammation, ease the pain, lessen the itching and dry the sores. Dossolve one packet of Domeboro powder or 2 tbl Burow’s solution, both available without a prescription, in 1 pint of cold water. Soak an untreated, white cotton cloth in the liquid and apply three or four times daily for 15-20 minutes.

Try salt – Soak your foot in a mixture of 2 tsp salt per pint of warm water, for 5-10 minutes at a time, repeat until the problem clears up. The salty solution makes it an unappealing atmosphere for the fungus and lessens excess perspiration. It also softens the affected skin, so antifungal medications can penetrate deeper and act more effectively

Medicate – Now is the time to apply an over the counter antifungal medication, two or three times a day. Lightly apply to the area and rub in gently then continue 3-4 weeks after the problem seems gone

For athletes foot between your toes – apply an aluminum-chloride solution. This clears fungus and helps to dry the area. Swab with cotton to apply liquid between your toes, 3-4 times a day. Do not use on cracked or raw skin, it will sting like crazy

Baking soda – Make and apply a baking soda paste, using 1 tbs baking soda and a little warm water. Rub that on the site of your fungus then rinse and dry thoroughly. Then dust area with a little cornstarch or powder

Remove dead skin – When the acute stage has settled down you need to remove any dead skin, it houses fungus. At bath time, work the entire foot lightly but vigorously with a bristly scrub brush. Pay extra attention between the toes. Make sure you shower or rinse well to eliminate any skin that may have attached itself to any other part of your skin

Scrape your toenails – toenails are a great place for the fungus to hide. At least every 2-3 days scrape the underside of your toenails clean. Use an orange stick or toothpick or wooden matchstick rather than a metal nail file which could scratch the nails and provide a place for fungus to hide.

Keep applying cream – once your infection has cleared up, guard against a return by continuing to use (only less often) the antifungal cream you used to clear up the infection, anywhere from once a week to once a day

Choose proper shoes – no plastic shoes or footwear that has been water proofed

Dont wear the same shoes 2 days in a row – allow at least 24 hours for your shoes to completely dry between uses.

Dust your shoes – dust the insides of your shoes with antifungal powder or spray. Maybe even disinfect your shoes with a good spray

Open your shoes to the sun – put them outside to dry and air out and let the sun bake out the bacteria

Change your socks – Use cotton socks and if your feet perspire a lot, change your socks 3-4 times a day to keep your feet dry. Wash your socks in extra hot water to kill off any fungus

Dry your feet – allow your feet to dry a good 10 minutes after washing before you put on any socks or shoes, use a hair dryer if needed. Then apply a loose powder

Add foot powder to your shoes – yet another layer of protection

Cover up in public – wear slippers or shower shoes whenever in public places, gyms, spas, health clubs, locker rooms and even around pools. If you are prone to infection you can pick it up anywhere.