We all get them, now what to do about them. This article will talk about how to treat them and some preventative measures we can take.

To prick or not to prick? – It depends on the size of the blister and whether or not you have pain. A small blister with little or no pain, leave it alone. A larger blister or one that has pain should be pricked or sliced. Sterilize with alcohol wipe or the like, the needle or razor blade you will use. Make 1 clean incision and allow the fluid to drain. Do not make the incision larger than you need and do not remove the skin. The blistered skin is natures bandage and will help protect the raw skin underneath while it heals. Allow the blistered skin to harden, dry and fall off on its own, or you can trim it off when the blister is healed.

Then biggest reason people say not to prick or slice is that you open the wound to infection, so be wise and use a tripe antibiotic and a bandage to keep it covered while it heals. However at night or after your shower allow the wound to dry in open air before bandaging, it will aid in the healing process. If your bandage becomes wet from sweat or whatever, change it.

Time to be concerned – If the fluid coming from the blister is not clear like water or when it has an odor to it, you need a doctor and probably a prescription. Also look for redness, swelling, heat and increased pain. As with any wound it really should be getting a little better each day.

Some prevention ideas – Wear socks! Socks are your protection between you and your shoe. Foot powder lowers friction, in brand new shoes try coating the blister prone areas with petroleum jelly, it will cut down on the friction. Insoles and a heel lift can also be good especially if you’re prone to blisters
