I know I’ve said this before but I just love men who love their children. I truly believe that when a man loves his wife and is besotted by his children, he is at his most attractive.
My son and his family live far from us, we have seen them fairly often this year but lets be honest for us grandmothers it’s never really enough. One of the advances in technology I’m most grateful for are cell phones that take pictures and video’s. Through these marvelous inventions we get to watch our full grown baby boy play with his babies. Aaron is well over 6 feet tall and he has a 3 year old and a soon to be 1 year old. These 2 sweet little girls have Aaron firmly wrapped around their fingers and it tickles me to death to see this giant young cowboy play with and love his girls.
A girls choices about men, her feelings about herself come largely from the relationship she has with her father. If it’s a poor relationship it may take her the rest of her life to overcome it. These babies are ALL girl and they will have days when both they and he wonder if they are going to survive living together. But it will all turn out right in the end because they will always know that Daddy loves them, will be there for them. He will give them the foundation from which their lives will grow and flourish.
So Daddy’s, go forth and freely love your daughters. Daughters, go give dad a hug and say thank you!