“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”
I have never read truer words than these! We are always wondering how to erase homelessness, drug abuse, violent crime, reduce the number of people in prison, forever eliminate domestic abuse, and on and on and on. Why are we always trying to fix the leak in the basement by building a new roof?
I am very proud of my son Aaron and his wonderful wife Shay. They have 2 beautiful little girls and they are trying so hard to raise them to be strong, to be compassionate, to be well adjusted whole human beings. They won’t be perfect, perfection cannot be achieved. But as long as they keep trying, day after long day, they will succeed. They will have to work hard, keep trying even when it seems like it’s never going to work. They will have to teach, even when it seems like the kids will never listen and will not learn. They will have to hug and kiss when they are too tired to do it. They will have to listen to the woe’s and complaints of teenage broken hearts, they will have to endure every day and then endure some more. But, as long as they keep trying……….
We are blessed to have a lot of help in raising our children. Most teaching should happen in the home, but in the church we also have leaders, teachers, wonderful lessons, it’s all great. Primary is a fantastic tool, take advantage of it!
In Aarons area they were about to have the blessing of attending a temple open house. The primary presidency decided to take advantage of this and encouraged each childs family to attend the temple open house and take family pictures in front of the temple.
This is Aaron’s family. They actually went to the open house twice, once with my middle daughter and her husband and once with us. We made the whole thing a real family event!
During this time the primary also wanted each child to feel involved in building the temple, so they built one out of sugar cubes in their primary.
It turned out quite wonderful and Cecily was very proud to have helped to build it.
Then they had a special program, the whole family was involved. The kids were divided into teams and they went on a treasure hunt all over the church building. When they found their treasure it was a small wooden treasure box and inside each one there was a picture of the Ogden temple which had just been dedicated. They had taken the time to teach the kids about why the temple is a treasure, how we can be a forever family when we are sealed there, and how we can learn more about Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven when we are there. Cecily loved her treasure box and wanted to show it to each of us. I hope she will treasure it for a long time to come.
Before Alison came home from her mission, she had invited all of us to be involved in many facebook missionary efforts. One of them was all about why we love the Book of Mormon. Shay soon posted this picture of little Aleena hugging the stuffing out of her Book of Mormon. Isn’t that the best face???? We should all look this happy about reading our scriptures! Aleena can’t read yet, but she loves the book, she feels the power of it’s teachings, she know it’s important in her family. At 2 years old that’s a pretty good start!
They watch TV together, all snuggled up.
They go out together, They work together, they play together.
Aaron made a couple swings to hang in the cottonwood tree in their backyard for the girls, it quickly became their favorite thing to do.
Just a good looking family, trying to do what’s right every single day. That is what it’s all about!
Now here is one more picture, just because it makes me laugh! Well and also because it shows that they really are just normal!
“It is easier to build strong children that to repair broken men”
These are strong children in the making, coming from a strong Christ centered home. Keep going parents!!!